The Homeless Feeding Project was formed by me and my friends to serve pizza and cold sodas to homeless people in Oahu's downtown area.
Community Service
Read MoreI spent a year filming and editing a skateboarding video of myself with the help of my friends and family who helped to film me.
Video Production
Read MoreThe St. Francis Volunteer Project aimed to provide volunteer service in various areas to St. Francis Hospital to alleviate the workload of the hospital workers to allow them to focus on more critical tasks.
Community Service
Read More30 Jan 2025
Often the quality of an answer originates from the quality of the question being asked. Anyone can relate to the sting of a blunt response to a poorly formed question. “Are you even trying?,” our peers sometimes ask us when...
Programming Questions StackOverflow
27 Feb 2025
What is Bootstrap 5? Bootstrap 5 is a framework for writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. It provides a plethora of templates that programmers can use to build responsive web pages. It is focused towards making websites more compatible with...
UI Frameworks Bootstrap 5
21 Jan 2025
I am quite new to Typescript. My experience is unique in that I actually took a month of the course I am taking right now, ICS 314 at UH Manoa last semester, but dropped out because of mental health reasons....
Software Engineering Learning Typescript
20 Jan 2025
As far back as I can remember, I have always been facinated by systems of design. Growing up, I was interested in a career as a marine biologist and one of the things that really attracted me to the field...
Software Engineering Learning
Comparing Coding to Skateboarding I’m a skateboarder. Since I got my first board at 14, I’ve loved skating and the rush of adrenaline that it gives me. One thing that I often notice at skateparks is the warning signs telling...
-ESLint -Coding Standards