First Thoughts on Bootstrap 5

27 Feb 2025

What is Bootstrap 5?

Bootstrap 5 is a framework for writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. It provides a plethora of templates that programmers can use to build responsive web pages. It is focused towards making websites more compatible with mobile web platforms. It allows programmers to write their web pages and applications more efficiently, allowing Bootstrap to take over the work of the webpage responsivity logic.

What I like about Bootstrap 5

Bootstrap is a really useful framework becaue it automates the task of creating a grid and spending so much time on designing the responsivity of a website. It provides a lot of features like navbars, containers, and much more. I feel like it hasn’t been too hard to get started with either. Learning the basics of Bootstrap hasn’t been too hard, and learning how to build simple things like containers hasn’t been too steep of a learning curve.

Difficulties with Bootstrap 5

However, I did have trouble with the in-class Bootstrap exercise in my Software Engineering class. I wasn’t able to put together all of the Bootstrap components and had trouble building the webpage. I am having a hard time with the amount of content that Bootstrap has, and I think I just need more time to become more comfortable in it. All in all, I feel like Bootstrap is a solid framework, and can be used to build impressive responsive websites once one puts the time in to learn it.

Works Cited

Zola, Andrew. “What Is a Bootstrap and How Does It Work?” WhatIs, TechTarget, 3 Aug. 2022,