As far back as I can remember, I have always been facinated by systems of design. Growing up, I was interested in a career as a marine biologist and one of the things that really attracted me to the field was this idea of marine ecosystems and how all components work together to form a cohesive system. Now as an adult, I find myself interested in systems of code, softwares that are built up of many different parts to serve a role or to complete a task. I enjoy programming, and this idea of developing software with the engineering approach of planning, building, and maintaining/innovating coding projects with multiple parts is very interesting to me, as it is the process of building these efficient systems that I am so interested in.
Through the class I am currently taking, ICS 314 Software Engineering, I hope to gain a clear understanding of software engineering and everything that goes into it. I want to have the ability to thoroughly explain what the field of software engineering is about to someone who has no experience with it. Beyond that, I want to be competent in software engineering. I hope to achieve proficiency in languages like Typescript and SQL and become comfortable with frameworks such as React and Next.js. I also want to understand the design and implementation process of database and front-end projects. Finally, I want to learn how to update and adapt my software to keep it up-to-date and complient with the ever-changing current technologies.
I hope to have the experience of completing my first project. I am still very new to the field of computer science, and I haven’t experienced the process of making a project. I think that once I finish my first one in this class, I will have the confidence to go on and work on other ones. I also hope to have the experience of seeing software that I helped engineer solve a real-world problem or complete a real-world task. I hope to spend more time doing software engineering so that I can decide if I am interested in the field or not.